On May 21, UBC will move to a new system called Workday for courses starting in September 2024. Check your email that day for setup instructions. Summer Session students will continue using SSC.

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A student looking curiously at their laptop while sitting at a desk in a common space
February 8, 2023
2 mins read

What to do if a course is full

We’ve all experienced the feeling that comes from clicking “Register All” with the perfect worklist, and finding out that one or more of the courses you need is full. Luckily, there are some options you can try before giving up.

1. Check the Student Service Centre (SSC) every day

You’d be surprised by how often people drop courses between now and September. There’s a really good chance that if you check frequently, the spot you need will become available. Be persistent!

Students are also more likely to drop a class right after—or even during—the first lecture for that class. So, mark those dates in your calendar and refresh the SSC to check for any available spots when the time comes! Keep checking until the course add/drop deadline—you never know when a spot may open up.

Heads-up: If you're planning your schedule for summer classes, keep in mind that course information, class times, and locations in the Course Schedule will be updated until early June.

2. Get on a waitlist

It's possible the course you need will have a waitlist, which you “register” for in the same way you’d register for any other course. Make sure you still have a backup option in case you don’t get moved off the waitlist.

Every faculty deals with waitlists differently, so continue to check for space and add yourself to a class if you see a space available.

3. Look for the same class in a different section

Many courses have multiple sections available in different time slots. Be flexible with how your schedule looks and consider going for that 8:00 am class. If it’s a required course, it might be your best option! 

If the available section conflicts with another class you want to take, make sure you prioritize fitting required classes into your schedule. Even if you have to completely reconstruct your timetable, just to get into a specific class...that’s okay! So long as you get what you need. 

4. Ask for help!

Talk to a faculty advisor to discuss your options. Find out if you can take the course in a different year, or if there’s an alternate course you can register for that will equivalently fulfill the requirement.

It may not be a huge problem if you can’t take a course at exactly the right time—but do take the initiative to make sure. It’s normal to feel nervous, so don’t hesitate to ask for help and guidance from a faculty advisor when you need it.

Good luck with registration, everyone!